How to Prepare for CPA Exams

For you to become a Certified Public Accountant and create a level of high income, you'll first be required to pass the CPA exam, an arduous test that takes 14 hours to complete. In advance of your sitting for the examination, there are a number of steps you should take to prepare for it. Even though to pass this test requires only a grade of 75 percent, many test-takers fail and retake the exam several times before they pass.


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      Become a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and look for a member in your state who would be willing to become your mentor. You can also find such a person in the CPA society in your state.

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      Obtain a copy of the Candidate Bulletin from the AICPA so that you can learn how the CPA Examination is structured. For example, each state and territory of the U.S. is able to administer the test. You will learn when the test will be offered, the location of the test sites, the topics that the exam will cover, and when you can expect your score. Furthermore, you must be credentialed by your school before sitting for the exam.

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      Research the courses that will help you prepare to take the CPA exam, then choose one. You'll will also find it helpful to form a study group composed of other students who are also scheduled to take the exam. Finally, take the practice tests in your course or download them from the website of the AICPA. They will give you a feel for the exam's structure and refresh your knowledge of the courses you've taken.

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      Download a copy of the "Content and Skill Specifications for the Uniform CPA Examination produced by the AICPA. You'll find it very helpful to read it thoroughly before you begin studying for the exam because it will set out the subject of each section.

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      Pay close attention to the format, specifically what form is required to answer the questions as well as a myriad of detailed directions. Do this before sitting for the exam because failure to follow the rules could adversely affect your score.

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      Get familiar with the "The Confidentiality and Break Policy Statement" before sitting for the CPA exam. You must sign it each time you take the examination, so it's good to know its contents regarding your promise of exam confidentiality before taking the test.

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