Ethical Standards for a Standardized Test

Ethics in education relate specifically to the behaviors and practices of those associated with the educational system. Behaviors focus directly on the moral character of the individual, while practices are connected to the procedures that are used by that person. Moreover, because education connects multiple entities within the population, there is also an element of fairness connected to ethical standards, especially in relation to standardized testing. Ethical standards associated with standardized tests, therefore, must include provisions for all educational stakeholders and be capable of being measured through their correlation to written expectations.
  1. Students

    • The school district and the specific institution traditionally outline ethical standards for students with regard to standardized testing in the student handbook. These ethical standards are broad and apply to test-taking of any type, including standardized testing. For example, student handbooks commonly have rules related to cheating, plagiarism and behavioral expectations in the classroom, as well as the consequences associated with these issues.


    • The Utah State Board of Education indicates that ethical standards for administrators associated with standardized testing pertain to the environment and procedural rules when standardized tests are planned. Administrators are ethically bound to provide a safe and stable environment in which students can work uninterrupted, allowing students to perform to their utmost ability on the tests. Additionally, administrators are expected to provide written rules for the procedures used by all teachers in the testing process so that there is a universal fairness in the testing process, resulting in each student having the same opportunity of success.


    • While not all school districts provide detailed information to parents about the standardized testing that occurs at a child's school, many school districts develop pamphlets for parents that list what is expected of them to assist their child in taking standardized tests. Expectations such as ensuring that children have time to study at home, get enough rest prior to the test, have enough food to eat and arrive on time the day of the test are all ethical responsibilities that parents should fulfill.


    • Classroom educators have perhaps the most detailed ethical standards when standardized tests are issued. Ethical standards for teachers commonly include basic factors such as allowing all students the same amount of time to take the test and providing students with the correct test materials. Yet, teachers are also ethically responsible for ensuring that students who are in crisis situations are identified so that they can be released from test-taking. They also must make sure that special education students are given the appropriate accommodations, that testing materials remain secure and that administrators, parents and students alike have met their ethical responsibilities in connection to the testing.

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