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The Practice Act

Though not widely known, The Practice Act is a law outlined in every state which deals with the classification and qualifications of doctors and the medicine they practice.
  1. Definition

    • The Practice Act is a law which states exactly how medicine will be practiced, and who it can be practiced by, in that state. It also defines who is allowed to diagnose, perform surgery, and prescribe medicine, and the qualifications needed for each.

    Further Usage

    • The Practice Act also works to provide a set of defined terms and positions, such as veterinary technician, occupational therapist or orthopedic specialist. By standardizing roles and practices, The Practice Act makes the field of medical care more transparent and easy to regulate.


    • Though the law varies from state to state, a person caught practicing unlicensed medical care or posing as doctor can face criminal prosecution, a fine of up $10,000, as well as prosecution in civil court.

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