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How to Use Montessori Dressing Frames

Montessori dressing frames are designed to help children practice fastening various clothing fasteners so that they can dress themselves. Generally the frames are made of wood and have fabric stretched around them. The fabric fastens in the front of the frame with a given fastener. For example, one frame might have a zipper fastener while another might have buttons or snaps.

Things You'll Need

  • Button frame with large buttons
  • Button frame with small buttons
  • Snapping frame with snap fasteners
  • Hook and eye frame
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    • 1

      Show the student where the frames are located. Dressing frames are used very early in the montessori curriculum, and therefore they should be presented the same way each time so that the children will become accustomed to the notion that they can retrieve the lesson ad do it themselves without supervision.

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      Demonstrate the selection process. Examine all the frames and select one that you like. Generally, you should start with the frame with the large buttons, but this is up to you and the student. Once you have picked a frame, carry it to the table and set it down quietly. This should all be done slowly and methodically so that the student will understand how to perform the task on her own.

    • 3

      Carefully undo the buttons on the frame one at a time. You should hold the button in your right hand and the fabric of the buttonhole with your left hand.

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      Slip the button through the button hole, then replace it. You should do this carefully and clearly multiple times, and with multiple buttons. At some point in the lesson, the student will begin to participate. Once the child appears confident with the procedure, allow him to practice buttoning.

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      Replace the frame in its original spot before selecting another. This is important because it demonstrates to the student that the lesson is not completely over until she has replaced the lesson in its designated spot. She should be encouraged to do so quietly, and you can make a game of testing her to see if she remembers where the lesson belongs.

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      Work through the remaining frames. The frames in this series all are related to fasteners that will likely be located on shirts. There are other sets that work with shoe fasters, pants fasteners and buckles. If the child is inclined, you may work through all of them, but generally you should only do a few a day. Then, the child will be able to practice on the frames he is familiar with while learning a new "lesson" every day or so.

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