#  >> K-12 >> Preschool

Preschool Ideas for Turn Taking

Preschool is a time for children to learn important skills to be successful in life. One of these skills is learning how to share and take turns completing tasks with other students. The teacher can implement many successful strategies that model the concept of taking turns for children. Learning how to practice good manners and social skills is a lifelong lesson for students both in and out of the classroom.
  1. Name Can

    • Make a name can by decorating an old coffee can and putting in Popsicle sticks, one for each child. Use a marker to write each preschool student's name on a Popsicle stick. When students are on the carpet for story time or to sing songs or do lessons, have the name can nearby. If you need to call on a student to complete a task, pull a name out of the can and that will be the preschooler who will assist you. This teaches students how to take turns helping you in the classroom and sharing tasks with fellow students.

    Beanbag Toss

    • When students are sitting in a circle or at tables in the classroom and it is time to line up for lunch or bathroom break, get out a mid-size, brightly colored beanbag. When you want a student to line up, toss her the beanbag. She needs to catch the bean bag to line up. Before she lines up, she will toss the beanbag to another student who will repeat the process, and so on and so forth. Preschool children learn how to take turns and wait patiently until they are picked to line up.

    Pass the Baton

    • When learning the ABC's or singing songs at the front of the classroom, have one student be the leader and guide students through the songs. This will be the student who is holding the special baton that you give him. When he is done, he will look for a preschooler who is paying attention and being quiet, and he will pass the baton to that student to be the next preschooler to lead the class in a song or rhyme. Students learn how to take turns being in the spotlight in class, and also work on their classroom manners and behavior.

    Gold Stars

    • Make a large chart and post it at the front of the preschool classroom. On this chart will be the names of all students in the class. When students line up for bathroom or water breaks and take turns getting drinks and using the restroom in a respectful fashion, have students go up to the chart and put a gold star next to their names. At the end of the week or month, give a prize to the child with the most gold stars. This teaches the student that taking turns earns the student special rewards.

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