#  >> K-12 >> Kindergarten

Arts & Crafts for Small Children

Hands-on activities facilitate a child's exploration and adventures in colors, textures and shapes. The concept of working beginning-to-end can yield satisfying rewards. Display a child's finished effort to increase esteem and confidence. Children will then gain initiative to attempt difficult and more challenging projects when their work is validated. Try unusual tactile craft activities to widen a young child's art experience.
  1. Toddlers

    • Crayons create an acceptable alternate for messy art play.

      Children aged one to two years are discovering new capabilities. Self-concept art activities reinforces this awareness. Use introductory art materials such as crayons, watercolor and tempera in unusual ways. Spread a large length of butcher paper on a well-protected floor. Set out a small paper plate spread with a thin layer of paint. Give the toddler a brush to paint the soles of his feet. Help toddlers to walk with painted feet over the paper. Point out their designs. Hold their hands and allow them to jump to make patterns. For the more timid toddlers, offer crayons or big colored pencils for an alternative floor mural. Or provide xeroxed color family photos and sheets of construction papers to color for a "My Book" activity.


    • Use a variety of media and materials such as scissors and glue.

      Provide a range of exploratory and sensory-based art experiences for preschool children. Fill a large plastic zipped bag with whip cream and two different shades of food color to mix. Give children scissors to cut shapes and stick them to paper with glue for a collage. For a craft, children enjoy dramatic play combined with art. Create paper bag puppets of a favorite storybook character. Set out yarn, felt, glitter and glue.


    • Painting paper towel rolls inspire different ideas for crafts.

      Five- and six-year-old children not only have greater dexterity in manipulating scissors, and paint brushes, they can generally conceptualize a craft. Recycle paper towel tubes and distribute to the children to paint. After the paint has dried, children can use the tubes as telescopes or music horns. Paste construction paper triangles at the base for space rockets. Set out small bottles of glue and glitter to jazz up the craft.


    • Not every child enjoys messy art play. Be sensitive to different preferences.

      Some toddlers may be wary of direct contact with messy play. Coax small children to interact with unfamiliar materials. Often allowing children to watch other children handle materials first provides incentive. Similarly kindergartners may be hesitant to participate, not because of the materials, but from self-consciousness. Differences in skill level become more apparent for five- and six-year-old children. They may "compare and despair" and feel unable to draw realistic pictures. Expose children to abstract art, including abstract versions of realistic pictures to illustrate the beauty of interpretative art.

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