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Types of School Activities

School activities offer the opportunity for students to learn in group settings, participate in a team environment and celebrate a sense of school pride. Students can participate in school activities on a classroom only project basis or as an entire student body event. School activities include sporting events, assemblies, field trips and putting on various types of displays.
  1. Sporting Events

    • Students attending schools that offer sports enjoy the ability to participate in or attend competitive games. The music department gets to play the music during the game and the cheerleading squad gets to rally the crowd. Journalism and year book students get to write about the games and media students get to practice their videotaping skills taping the event. Specific sporting events include football, soccer, volleyball, wrestling, track or cheerleading.


    • School assemblies offer the chance for students to learn about important upcoming changes to the school, to receive various student awards or see short drama skits that surround a theme or issue. For example, an assembly may last twenty minutes but show a drama or skit about not doing drugs or offer solutions to those who encounter bullies. Assemblies will vary in their approach and scope based on the age and maturity of the students. Assemblies tend to be less formal and shorter in duration than other school activities.

    Field Trips

    • Field trips allows students either in a single classroom or a an entire grade at a time to explore local historical, science or environmental attractions. These trips give students hands-on experiences to learn about historical events, other cultures or see processes behind things like manufacturing or postal systems. For example, students could visit a local candy or cheese making plant for a tour or visit the local county jail for public tours put on by police and jail staff.

    Project and Experiment Displays

    • Art project displays and science display events give the students the chance to show off things such as handmade jewelry, art creations in paint, pencil and clay or illustrate different concepts such as solar experiments, self-erupting volcanoes and more. Some schools participate in having students create time capsules where students will include class photos, newspaper headlines of the day, examples of technology currently in use, popular music and sometimes personal handwritten letters. The time capsule is then buried and then dug up by future generations.

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