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Groundhog Day Writing Activities for Kindergarten

Groundhog day is an exciting holiday to share with your kindergarten students. Held on the second day of February each year, the day celebrates Punxsatawney Phil, a groundhog who predicts the weather. Help build their budding writing abilities by asking your students to write short sentences about Groundhog day. Engage students' imaginations with creative writing prompts that will help them build small motor skills.
  1. Favorite Winter Activities

    • When Punxsatawney Phil sees his shadow, it means that more winter is on the way. Ask students to write a few sentences about their favorite winter activities, such as building snowmen, snowball fights and cold weather. Help students who are struggling by asking them to dictate their sentences to you. Write their words down on the paper lightly in pencil, and ask students to trace over words. Provide crayons and markers, and ask students to draw a picture of themselves enjoying winter activities.


    • When Phil does not see his shadow, spring is coming soon. Help students build their writing skills with an art activity. Give students a piece of white construction paper, glue and small flowers cut from paper or fabric. Help students write the word "Spring" on their paper in large letters, then trace over the letters with glue. Show students how to glue the flowers onto the letters to spell the word in flowers. Let students use glitter to decorate their paper.

    Groundhog Day Card

    • Once the groundhog has seen his shadow, help students make a Groundhog Day card for a family member celebrating more winter or the upcoming spring. Give students a piece of construction paper and help them to fold it into a card. Give students a marker and help them write "Happy Groundhog Day" on the front of the card. On the inside, encourage students to draw a picture of Phil's prediction by drawing the groundhog with or without his shadow. Help students write a personal message on the inside of the card and sign their name.

    Winter and Spring

    • Teach students about the seasons with a group activity. On a large piece of paper, make two columns. On the first column, write "Winter," and on the second, "Spring." Let students raise their hands to suggest something to add to the column, and then come up one at a time to write down their contribution. Prompt students to include details, such as the weather, clothes they wear during each season or the foods they eat.

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