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How to Teach Differentiation to Elementary Staff

Each student learns in a unique way. As elementary educators, the task is to optimize your students' potential learning by identifying how each student learns best and presenting information to those students in the way they can best absorb it. This is called differentiation. By learning to recognize in each other how you learn best, you will better be able to recognize how your students learn best in the classroom environment.

Things You'll Need

  • White board
  • Markers
  • Paper
  • Directions for folding a paper airplane
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      Place a piece of paper in front of each staff member. Tell them not to touch it. Read all the directions to make a paper airplane. Then tell them to make it.

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      Place a fresh sheet of paper in front of each staff member and tell them not to touch it until after they have received all the directions. On the white board, write instructions and diagrams for making a paper airplane. Instruct them to make the paper airplane.

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      Place a fresh sheet of paper in front of each staff member and instruct them to follow what you do in front. Go step-by-step through the directions to make the paper airplane with the staff members repeating each step as you give instruction and demonstrate.

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      Ask each staff member which way was easiest for them to follow. If they answer the first, then they are likely aural learners. If they answer the second, then they are likely visual learners. And if they answer the third, they are likely kinesthetic learners. The first type needs auditory cues to learn best. The second needs visual cues to learn best. And the last needs to physically do the task to learn best.

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      Now instruct staff to discuss how to utilize this knowledge to enhance the learning experience of the students in their classrooms.

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