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How to Use Progressiveness in the Classroom

Progressiveness is a somewhat broad concept. In a classroom context, teachers are considered progressive if they adopt different and forward-thinking policies that will lead to better learning methods and educational conditions for students. If this sounds like something that interests you, there are a few things you can do to use progressiveness in your classroom and hopefully create a more effective learning environment for your students.


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      Integrate your lessons. Instead of focusing on historical facts for an hour and then scientific theories, talk with your students about the history of scientific theory. Explain to your students what was happening in history while the theories were being devised and how the two relate.

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      Let your students help you design and implement your lesson plans and take their suggestions seriously. Progressive teachers always consider their students, who are treated more like equals than they would be in traditional classrooms.

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      Focus your teaching on how academics are applied in real life. This form of progressiveness in the classroom focuses on how students will someday be part of society, not just on making sure they get good grades.

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      Make your classroom into a community. Allow your students to collaborate with and learn from each other. Avoid competition, and encourage an environment where students feel like they can depend on each other for help without feeling like they are lesser students for asking for help in the first place.

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      Work with your students on their level. After you present a concept to your students, work through any issues or problems together as equals. Don't dictate answers, but instead encourage problem-solving and collaboration to come up with a solution.

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