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Functional Skills Activities

While it is important for children to learn about traditional school subjects, they will also benefit from lessons that help them learn more about life skills and being productive, functional citizens of the world. Functional skills activities are also enjoyable for students as they allow them to take a break from typical schoolwork.
  1. Parenting Skills

    • Older students might not realize the work that goes into parenting. Have children commit a week to "parenting a child." Each student should bring in a 5-pound bag of flour. They can name the bag, dress it and wrap a blanket around it. Tell students that they have to carry the bag with them everywhere they go for the week. Also, they cannot leave the bag alone. They have to find a capable baby-sitter. When the week is over, ask students how hard it was to try to take the bag everywhere with them or to find someone to stay with the bag.

    Money Management Skills

    • Help children see the reality of budgeting with a money management unit. Give each student a random profession and salary that goes with that profession. Provide each student with a list of expenses, such as rent, gas, utilities, phone, transportation and entertainment. Tell students that they have to find places to live that fit their budget and work the other expenses into the budget while still having enough left over for food and emergencies.

    Employment Skills

    • Help older students know what it takes to find a job. Research local companies that are willing to come to the school and explain what it takes to get hired. During this unit, teach students how to write a resume and cover letter. After that, ask representatives from local businesses to come in and conduct mock interviews with the students and give them feedback on their interview skills, resumes and cover letters.

    Character Education

    • Help teach students about the importance of good character by adopting a school-wide monthly character word, such as "honesty," "integrity" or "respect." Have teachers plan a weekly lesson that focuses on the word. Each class can make an action plan for implementing the character word in their school. For instance, one class could decide that during the "respect" month they will make sure that all of the trash goes in the proper receptacles at lunch to show respect for the cafeteria workers and the environment.

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