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Project Ideas for Computer Science Students

Some students begin taking computer science courses while they are still in grade school, while others do not begin until they reach the college level. In any case, incorporating projects into the curriculum will help the students to better engage with the subject matter and the applications of what they are learning.
  1. Art Connections

    • Have the students create animated productions. Require them to make the films a certain length or to have a specific number of scenes in them. The subject matter can be assigned or of the students' selection. Another option is to have the students create a poster for a movie or a political cause by creating their own fonts and utilizing graphic design programs on the computer to make pictures to include in the project.

    Creating Directions and Programs

    • Have the students create a website that showcases their accomplishments in high school or that acts as an Internet portfolio for their job hunts. However, require them to use HTML, as opposed to programs that do not require that level of Internet expertise. Assign the students a project in which they must create a JavaScript program. Some examples of project ideas include a program to alphabetize words or to count sentences, words and letters.

    Research Projects

    • When first introducing students to computer science, have them complete a simple research project. They will have to utilize Internet resources, such as the school's online database or reputable websites. Just as significantly, they will be learning about an important discovery or area in computer science. Possible research topics include the history of the early computer, a biography of the first computer maker or the history of binary code.


    • Computer science WebQuests teach students about the field of computer science, while they implement tools in that very field. For example, have students visit the Computer Science WebQuest to learn about different computer-based programs that are currently available. Another option is the WebQuest Mission, which will take students on an interactive and engaging journey through the history and development of computers. Have them create a PowerPoint presentation of their findings.

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