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2nd Grade Parts of Speech Lessons

In the second grade, pupils start learning about the parts of speech for writing and reading. Pupils build on these second-grade lessons throughout their subsequent education career. Pupils need to understand and learn the parts of speech well to have success later in their school life.
  1. Noun Lesson

    • Nouns are people, places, things or ideas. Pupils in the second grade start to learn about nouns and how to identify nouns in a sentence. Teachers might also explain a noun as a word that names something. Give examples of a noun, such as naming the pupils; point out that the desk and chairs are nouns; and name professions, such as firefighter, that are also nouns.

    Verb Lesson

    • Teachers might describe verbs as action words or words that tell what a person is doing. As an example, the teacher might throw a ball and explain that the action of throwing is a verb.

    Adjective Lesson

    • Second-graders learn that adjectives are words used to describe a noun. The teacher should explain that the words used to tell what a noun looks like or some part of the noun are adjectives. Then give an example, such as "blue ball" or "big chair," to show that the words "blue" and "big" are adjectives.

    Adverb Lesson

    • Adverbs are words that describe the verb or the action, showing how the action is performed. For example, when using the idea of throwing a ball, the teacher might ask pupils to describe how she threw the ball. Adverbs might include throwing slowly or quickly.

    Putting the Lessons Together

    • Teachers can put the lesson together by having the pupils identify all of the parts studied in previous lessons. Then ask the pupils questions such as "where is the noun?" and have the pupils point out the noun in a sentence. Teachers might even use interactive or classroom games to make the lesson more interesting.

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