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The Best Practices for Gifted Elementary Math Students

Often the math curriculum for elementary level is too basic for gifted students. Encouraging them to participate in competitions, and offering them mentoring and a wider range of resources helps to challenge gifted students.
  1. Participate in Outside-Of-School Opportunities

    • Search around for opportunities or math activities outside of school that could enrich your gifted child. Some universities offer opportunities for gifted elementary students to partake in challenging math activities and converse with other gifted children their age. Intelligence tests, such as the EXPLORE test, are offered by several institutions, including the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Talented Elementary Students and the Center for Talented Development at Northwestern University. This is a great program available for elementary students in January.


    • Providing access to math mentors can be one of the best and most beneficial practices for gifted elementary students. One-to-one instruction, once or twice a week, where students can get individual help on more challenging topics can be a wonderful way to enrich their education and learning. Mentors might even provide students with extra homework or give them assignments better suited to their intellectual level and understanding than the normal math curriculum, which helps to value their gifted abilities.

    Math Contests and Competitions

    • Encourage gifted students to partake in contests and competitions available in their school or even outside of their school. The Mathematical Olympiad is an international contest designed for elementary students and can be an excellent chance for gifted students to show their talents and be awarded for their ability to challenge themselves and use their natural skills.

    Use a Range of Resources

    • Most math textbooks offered for the curriculum at elementary level are only appropriate for the general population, and can be too basic for gifted students. Encourage gifted children to use a range of different resources, including the Internet and their local library. Provide them with many different textbooks that challenge their math abilities beyond the basic curriculum.

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