#  >> K-12 >> Elementary School

How to Identify the Parts of a Frog for Elementary Students

Elementary school students often benefit from visual or hands-on learning. If students are learning about the world around them, they may benefit from learning about how creatures grow. An interesting animal example is a frog, which morphs from one form to another as it grows. This unusual quality might capture students' attention, and learning about and identifying the different parts of a frog can help them better understand other amphibians and reptiles. This exercise can also begin to teach them how the body works, on both the outside and inside.

Things You'll Need

  • Frog part worksheets or diagrams
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    • 1

      Provide students with a frog part worksheet. The worksheet should have a picture of a frog on it. You can draw the frog yourself, or find a frog picture from another source. As students identify the parts of the frog, they can follow along with the worksheet, or label the parts themselves.

    • 2

      Ask students to identify the most obvious frog parts first. It's also best to identify outside parts before moving on to the inner workings of the frog. Have students talk about the frog's unusual skin, and how its texture helps the frog live in the water. The students can then identify the eyes, one of the simplest things to identify, followed by the frog's strong legs. Students may enjoy discussing how these features benefit the frog.

    • 3

      Draw the student's attention to the frog's mouth, and the nostrils right above it. Students can learn about how frogs lead an aquatic life, and how these features aid in the frog's survival.

    • 4

      Identify less noticeable parts of the frog. Because students have identified the eyes and mouth, they may more easily locate the frog's strange, disc-like ears, which are located behind the frog's eyes.

    • 5

      Direct the students' attention to the frog's foot. Have them note the pads, or discs, on the bottom of the frog's tiny toes.

    • 6

      Provide students with another worksheet. This worksheet should show some inside parts of the frog, including the mouth and abdomen. Keep the parts shown here simple, showing only essential parts. Remember that elementary school students may not be ready for the frog's full anatomy.

    • 7

      Ask students to identify important features, such as the frog's tongue and teeth, as well as some internal organs, such as the stomach, lungs, and heart. Ask students to discuss why these features are important to the frog, and to other living creatures.

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