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Kids Activities for the Five Food Groups

Learning about the five good groups--including fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and meat--helps kids understand the value of nutrition and learn which foods are healthiest. There are a variety of activities kids can do that will make learning about the five food groups fun and help them retain the knowledge to promote a healthy lifestyle as they grow.
  1. Parade of Foods

    • Have kids create a parade of foods to tape to walls or windows. Assign each child a different food from one of the five food groups. Let them draw the food on construction paper and cut it out, then tape each food in a "parade" line along the walls or windows of the room. Move along the parade, pointing to each food and have kids call out which of the five food groups it's from.

    Food Group Simon Says

    • Simon Says is a classic memory game for kids. For a food group twist on the game, assign each child a category from one of the five food groups and let them draw it on a piece of paper. Tape a piece of string to two corners of the paper and place it around the child's neck. Play Simon Says as usual, but make each command specific to a food group. For example, you could command "Fruits put your hands on your head," or even "Grains jump up and down."

    Which Food Doesn't Belong

    • Read groups of four foods aloud to kids. Make sure three of the foods are from the same food group and one is from a different category. For example, you could read "Apples, bananas, yogurt and oranges." Have kids raise their hands when they know which food doesn't belong. Choose one kid to explain which food doesn't belong and why.

    Food Group Bookmarks

    • Bookmarks are a practical craft that are easy to make and will remind kids of the five food groups every time they open a book to read. Cut 2-inch by 6-inch rectangles from card stock or construction paper. Have kids divide the bookmarks into five squares and draw a picture illustrating a different food group in each square. Add clear contact paper to the bookmark for added durability.

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