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Lesson Plans for Pronouns for Elementary Kids

Pronouns are words, such as me and you, that are used everyday by adults and children. Lesson plans for pronouns for elementary kids would help teach children their importance and their place in sentence structures. Activities for pronouns would include, identifying them, playing games with pronouns, singing pronoun songs and creative writing assignments.
  1. Identifying

    • Show your elementary school children what pronouns are by reading a favorite book to the class. Help the students identify the pronouns with a simple definition, such as pronouns are words like he, she or I that replace proper nouns or names. Group the elementary school children in a circle before you begin. While you are reading the book, face the book outward so the children can see the words of the book. Instruct the students to raise their hands every time a pronoun is used. You can begin with specific pronouns, such as he or she, as a way to introducing the lesson.


    • Create a fun game to teach elementary children pronouns. Use a soft ball or bean bag and ask the children to stand in a circle. Toss the ball to a student and instruct him to say a sentence with at least one pronoun. After the child is finished, he throws the ball gently to another student. After the children are able to easily make up sentences with one pronoun, change the game to creating sentences with two pronouns.


    • Create a song for elementary schoolers to remember pronouns. Write lyrics yourself with all the pronouns, such as he, she, me, you and they, and pair it to a common melody students are familiar with, such as "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." Sing it with your elementary school children repeatedly so they remember the song and the pronouns. If you cannot come up with your own song, use a song from Genki English or from Bow Elementary School.

    Creative Writing

    • Assign a creative writing lesson for elementary school children to learn more about pronouns. The assignment would work well for older students. They would write a paragraph or a few sentences about their weekend or what they did for a specific holiday. Instruct the students to write using only proper nouns or names. Then after they are finished, the children should change each proper noun or name into a pronoun.

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