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Drama Ideas for Elementary Students

While it is always important for elementary students to study school subjects such as math, science and history, teachers should strive to incorporate the arts into their curriculum as well. There are many ways to incorporate drama and theater into elementary classrooms. These activities allow students to dabble in the arts and use their creativity.
  1. Hand Animals

    • For younger elementary students who are first being introduced to the dramatic arts, Hand Animals is a great activity. In this lesson, the teacher will show the students an animal made out of their hand -- something simple, like a bunny or a spider. Then, the teacher will have the students imitate the motion of the animal. The teacher should ask the students what animals they think they can create with their hands. Have the students show off their creations to the class. The activity can be extended further by asking the students to act out what would happen if, for example, their hand bunny ran into a scary dog. This introduces the basic concepts of acting to the class.

    Seasons and Weather

    • This activity is a drama activity that also teaches elementary students about the seasons. In this lesson, teachers ask students to come up with several things they do during the different seasons. For instance, in the fall they might rake leaves or play football, and in the winter they might ski and build snowmen. After students have come up with several ideas, have them stand up out of their desks. When the teacher calls out "Weather!" the students must quickly choose a season and begin acting out an activity related to that season.

    Drama Club

    • For elementary students who show a greater interest in the dramatic arts, a teacher can consider starting up a drama club within the school. This after-school activity can hep students learn more about drama and practice acting techniques. Be sure to provide an activity box with costumes and props so the students can dive right into acting. Plan an activity for the end of the school year where the drama club performs a well-known children's story for the rest of the school.

    Stage Voices

    • Stage Voices is an activity that can help elementary students begin to understand the power of voice in theater. Give each student a simple phrase to memorize such as "Come here, please" or "Open the door." Then, ask each student to say their phrase in three or four different tones of voice. One tone could be angry, while another could be excited. Ask the students to discuss how the different tones of voice change the meaning of the phrase.

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