Spring Science Activities for Preschoolers

Spring is a time of renewal and growth, when trees and plants begin to produce new leaves and flowers. You can help your students learn about this change of the seasons by providing them with hands-on science activities related to spring.
  1. Sprouting Names

    • Preschoolers will be amazed when they see how they can grow their own names from seed. Dig up a section of dirt roughly 12 inches wide by 18 inches long. Using a spade, dig a trench into the soil in the shape of the child's name. For example, if the child's name is Amy, write Amy in the soil with the spade. Sprinkle seeds into the trench, and cover the trench with more soil. Water the soil well with water. After a few weeks, the seeds will sprout in the shape of the child's name.

    Exploring the Rainbow

    • Children enjoy being outdoors during the warmer spring months. You can teach young students about colors while allowing them to feel the fresh spring air. Fill three cups with one cup of water each. Put five drops of food coloring into each cup; one red, one blue and one yellow. Place a white plastic ice cube tray in front of each child. Place an eyedropper into each of the cups. The children can take turns filling the trays with different colors of water, watching how combining the primary colors creates new colors.

    Homemade Bird's Nest

    • In the spring, birds build nests in trees and bushes to prepare for the arrival of their chicks. Let preschoolers make nests out of craft materials. Gather craft materials like raffia, cotton balls, ribbons and glue. Instruct each child to roll a wad of raffia into a ball, then push her thumbs into the center of the ball to create a nest shape. Add different materials to make the nest look like real, full of different materials from nature. Add pieces of ribbon and strips of cotton using craft glue. Once the glue is dry, you can display the nests on a seasonal table.

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