Science Activities for the Fall

The changing of the seasons can be the perfect backdrop for conducting a few simple scientific experiments pertaining to that season. Add these science activities into your curriculum to bring the natural phenomena and the holidays of autumn to life for your students in a fun and unusual way.
  1. Cauldron Bubbles

    • Halloween is the perfect time to make cauldron bubbles, which can be created easily with water, oil and salt. Fill a glass cup halfway up with water, then pour 2 to 3 Tbsp. of oil on top of the water. Slowly sprinkle 2 Tbsp. of salt over the oil. The salt will sink to the bottom, carrying some of the oil with it. After the salt hits the bottom, the oil will rise back to the top. Since the oil is lighter than the water, and the salt is heavier than the water, this will give the glass the appearance of a bubbling cauldron.

    Compost Activity

    • After leaves are raked in the fall, create a compost activity to show students how to turn dead leaves into a nutrient-rich soil. Start by filling the bottom of a wooden crate with a layer of dead leaves. Next, pile scraps of vegetables and fruits on top of the leaves. Dump another layer of leaves on top of the vegetables and fruit. Repeat this pattern until you have filled the crate. After a few weeks, the lower layer of the crate will have decayed into compost that can be used in gardens to add nutrients into the soil.

    Cool Chromatography

    • When leaves change colors in the fall, it can turn a green forest into a rainbow of color. Experiment with these colorful leaves by pulling out the different colors using a simple technique. Collect a few colorful leaves, and place each leaf into a jar. Pour enough rubbing alcohol into the jars to cover the leaves. Crush the leaves, one by one, inside each jar using a stick. Cap the jars, and place them into a pan of hot water. After the solutions turn black, open the jars, and place a strip of coffee filter into each jar. After around 1 hour, you will see the leaf colors streaked onto the coffee filters.

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