Innovative Science Projects

Making science fun for young learners can be a challenge. You can show students how interesting and delightful science can be by demonstrating a few simple scientific laws. Using common household items, you can bring the world of science right into your home or classroom.
  1. Newton's First Law: Penny High Dive

    • You can demonstrate how an object that is in rest will remain in rest unless an another force pushes it simply by making a penny fall into a jar. Place a small-mouthed jar onto a flat surface, such as a counter top. Cut a strip of poster board that measures around 2-inches wide and 8-inches long. Curl the strip into a circle, and tape it so that it remains curled into a loop. Place the loop onto the jar. Place a penny flat on top of the loop. Using a pen or a pencil, knock the loop sharp and quick to the side. the penny will fall straight down into the jar.

    Homemade Electromagnet

    • Electromagnets can turn a simple battery into a powerful magnet simply by making a few adjustments. Curl a thin copper wire 50 times around an iron nail, leaving 7 inches of wire loose on either end of the nail. Tape one of the wire ends to the negative pole of a "D" battery, and the other wire end onto the positive pole of the same battery. When you touch the tip of the nail to a metal object, like paper clips, it will lift them up easily.

    Static Water Bending

    • You can demonstrate how static energy can actually bend water through a simple experiment. Turn on a faucet until only a very small stream of water is coming out. Rub a piece of wool cloth over a comb for 30-seconds, then place the comb just next to the stream of water. Make sure that the comb does not touch the water. the stream will bend towards the comb.

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