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Science Expo Projects

With so many different subcategories within the "science" label, the possibilities for science expo projects are endless. Experiments that fit into the chemistry, biology, physics and earth science genres will almost always be effective if done properly. Try conducting a project that fits into a less typical science category, such as computer science or environmental science.
  1. Chemistry

    • The American Dental Association has determined that soda is corrosive. Try to set up a science experiment to determine which soda is most corrosive by dropping tarnished pennies in different kinds and colors of soda and observing them daily for several days, Sciencefairadventure.com suggests. Notice whether the darker-colored soda is more corrosive, and take note of whether the lighter-colored sodas change color as the tarnish dissolves.

    Earth Science

    • Clear out two paths of ground in your yard. Use a small shovel or similar tool to clear out all grass and rocks. Fill a glass with water, hold the glass six inches above the ground and pour the water on the ground. Do the same on the other cleared patch of land, except hold the glass 12 inches above the ground. Note the differences in the results, suggests Sciencefairadventure.com. Take the experiment further by dumping a bucket of water on one of the patches. Discuss the effects of erosion on cleared land versus land covered with trees and grass.

    Computer Science

    • Evidence suggests that some fonts are easier to read than others. Serif fonts, such as Times New Roman, feature small lines at the end of the main strokes of a letter, and san serif fonts, such as Arial, do not do not have these lines. Type several different short, medium-length and long sentences, half with a serif font and half with a sans serif font. Cut each sentence out. Starting with the short sentences, show each of them to several volunteers, one sentence at a time, for five seconds each. Have the volunteers write what they remember about each sentence until you've gone through all of the sentences. Compare the responses and determine which font seems to serve the memory better, Sciencefairadventure.com suggests.

    Environmental Science

    • Before conducting this experiment, research whether basic or acidic water is better for human consumption. You will need "city" water and well water, pH strips and 20 test tubes for this experiment. Take 10 samples of city water and 10 samples of well water and determine the pH of each by dipping the pH strips into each sample. Record your results. Discuss which source produces the safer drinking water.

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