Objectives for Educational Leadership Courses

Educational leaders are the personnel who lead educational institutions, e.g., principals, school board members and superintendents. These leaders handle the management of the institutions and provide an atmosphere that is mutually beneficial for the students, faculty and staff members. Educational leadership courses help these leaders to understand, evaluate and implement strategic practices based on the latest models, theories and approaches for attaining institutional transformation.
  1. Knowledge and Skills

    • Educational leaders take educational leadership courses to bring vocational and academic excellence to their institutes. A common objective is to gain the skills and knowledge to create a socially developed school community that embraces the educational goals of autonomous equity.

    Curriculum Development and Implementation

    • Another common objective is to learn to develop and implement good curriculum for the students. Curriculum includes course listings, course sequence, timetables and extracurricular activities (e.g., sports, music and cultural events). These courses also help leaders develop administration and social managerial structures and procedures. This includes keeping an eye on performance and advancement of vocational education and training.

    Developing Higher Education

    • Educational leadership courses help prepare educational leaders who are competent enough to develop higher education programs in their institutions. These programs include international student mobility, mobility of higher education students and Erasmus mobility. The courses also provide a state and national outline of the finances and economics of higher education, including public and private benefits of education, procedures for financing public education and up-to-date policy issues affecting college and school finances.

    Human Resource Management

    • Human resource management is one of the major objectives of an educational leadership course. The students examine how to deal with human resources efficiently in the dynamic social, legal and economic environment presently impacting educational organizations. It includes formulation and execution of human resource strategy, methods of recruitment and selection, job analysis, systems for training and development, performance assessment, rewards and benefits and the appraisal of the efficacy of human resource administration frameworks and practices.

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