How to Learn English for Spanish Children

Experts agree that you have the mind of a sponge when you are young. As you grow older you tend to need more time to learn the same things you did when you were 12 years old, or even younger. So there is no better time to learn a language than when you are a child, and are able to soak in the same words, patterns, and dialect that might take an adult much longer to learn. When learning another language, patience and consistency is key. Language learning is all about familiarization and repetition.


  1. The Basics

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      Determine whether or not your child is old enough to pick up the new language in order to prevent frustration. If the child is attentive, receptive, and has an easy time remembering things they are told, they are ready. Children who surprise you with things they learned from listening to conversations, reading books or watching television are prime candidates as they've proven they can absorb information without direct teaching. Some children might be ready to start their second language lessons at 2, while others may be 5 or older before they can absorb the same amount of information.

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      Lay out your goals and try to be as clear and concise as possible. Set realistic goals for both you and your child. Lofty goals lead to disappointment if you don't start with smaller one's. For example, set a goal for your child to be able to count to ten in English, without help after a week. Place loftier goals further out, such as knowing how to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," or recite the "Pledge of Allegiance," in English, within a month. You should always have easier goals that they can reach quickly, while keeping bigger goals further in the distance.

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      Show enthusiasm, so your child feels it is an exciting adventure the two of you are undertaking.

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      Start to integrate new forms of media in your child's activities. If he is making progress, try having him read what they can out of an English book. Watching cartoons can be another fun way to test his skill in a non-study environment.

    Using The Web

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      Use one of the two sites offered in the Resources area; familiarize yourself with the free lessons first. The web is full of resources for learning a second language. Workbooks, cartoons, and games all make great ways for children to learn English, while having fun with it at the same time.

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      se songs not only when you are behind the computer, but also in other situations. Singing along is one of the best ways to remember vocabulary. Sing in the car to songs that are in English. Singing is a great way to learn while having fun.

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      Do the fun tasks on the websites or in a workbook. Word find, crossword puzzles, and other types of brain teasers can be a great way to expand your child's English skills.

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      Don't put too much strain on your child; it may be your ambition to move forward fast but remember that repetition is the best way to really learn things and to embed it in the brain for good. A slow and steady pace works best for everyone when attempting to learn a new language.

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