How to Learn English for Free

Over 700 million people are currently studying or have studied English as a second language. According to the British Council on Learning, speakers of English as a second language now outnumber native speakers. These numbers translate into big business, as indicated by the rapid proliferation of English language schools. Many students find online English language schools a convenient method for studying English. A number of online English language sites now offer free instruction, and are a viable option for students who wish to study English without stressing their finances.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer
  • A headset for speaking and listening
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  1. Find a Free Online English Language School

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      Perform a web search for "free English online" and select a site that fits your goals. A number of sites offers a weekly lesson, grammar book, vocabulary, verb tenses, a listening lounge and a plethora of of other valuable English facts. Other free English language sites focus on the development of reading, listening, speaking and writing. Members are able to practice their newly acquired skills by interacting with an online global community. Most sites require that you complete a simple registration process before you are granted access.

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      Look for sites that include an audio component. This is important, since many English words do not sound the way that they are spelled. Many English language dictionaries also offer this feature. Users simply type in a word and click on an icon to hear the correct pronunciation.

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      Consider joining a site that focuses on speaking with other language learners. These sites complement an individual's conventional studies by allowing them to speak with people from around the world. Individuals are paired according to the language that they speak and the language that they desire to learn. For example, an individual who speaks Mandarin Chinese and wishes to learn English is paired with a native English speaker who desires to learn Mandarin. Individuals participating in these exchanges often become friends--an added bonus.

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