How to Train as a First Responder

First responders are as the name suggests; they are the first to respond to an emergency situation to treat and tend to victims. Training for this career or volunteer position is a challenge. Expect to put in long days during the intensive training or to spend evenings over the course of a semester learning the valuable skills needed as a first responder. As you begin your training you gain insight and skills that may help you decide which area of medicine and response you wish to specialize in.

Things You'll Need

  • Outdoor clothing and gear
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      Enroll in a Wilderness First Responder medical class or an Urban Emergency Response course. If you wish to get a leg up on these courses, enroll in a CPR course through your local chapter of the Red Cross (see Resources).

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      Complete the Wilderness First Responder or Urban Emergency Response class and decide if you wish to pursue further levels of training. Examples of further learning include Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician (WEMT), EMT Basic or Advanced, Paramedic, whitewater/swiftwater rescue, high/low angle ropes rescue, ice rescue and surf rescue. These courses are offered throughout the nation in colleges or through private companies.

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      Volunteer with an ambulance corp after completing the WEMT or any EMT course. Current rules state you must do up to 40 hours of ambulance work to keep any EMT (wilderness included) current. This also provides another level of on-the-job training.

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      Sign up with local fire departments, or search and rescue teams to receive free training sessions in exchange for being on call for rescues; which is the purpose of the training.

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