Aluminum Can Recycling Pros & Cons

Recycling aluminum cans has its advantages and disadvantages. Many communities make it easier and more beneficial to recycle cans than others. The whole aluminum can recycling industry began about 37 years ago. Since then, millions of tons of aluminum cans have been recycled throughout America. Although recycling aluminum cans has many advantages, there are some disadvantages that deter consumers from recycling.
  1. Recycling

    • Some communities have collection methods that are similar to regular trash pick-ups. Recycle bins can be put right on the curb on pick-up days, and the city will come and take them to a recycling facility. Other cities require the use of specific colored bags that recyclables such as aluminum cans can be put into. The bags will be collected with the regular garbage, and they will be sorted at the local landfill or trash management facility. Also, there is always the option to take aluminum cans to a recycling facility personally.


    • The obvious advantage to recycling aluminum cans is that it is good for the environment. There is also money to be made in recycling. Buying a 12-pack of can soda has no rate of return on money spent unless the cans are taken to a recycling facility.


    • The most obvious disadvantage is that special care must be taken to recycle the cans. Usually, cans must be rinsed before they can be recycled. Also, aluminum cans must be kept separate from regular trash, which will involve having a special bin or bag handy for sorting.

    Environmental Impact

    • Aluminum cans take quite a while to biodegrade, which means they will take up space in landfills. Also, the processes that go into producing aluminum cans have a greater impact on the environment than the processes to recycle aluminum cans. Fewer factories means less pollution.


    • Since 1972, billions of aluminum cans have been recycled. It is estimated that 53 million pounds worth of cans were recycled in that year, a number that is succeeded weekly these days in America. On average, an aluminum can that gets recycled will be sitting back on a store shelf within 60 days.

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