How to Learn the Czech Language for Free Online

Learning Czech is a rewarding and enriching experience that can help you advance in your career, prepare for a trip or feel closer to family members who also speak the language. But work, family and other obligations can make completing a traditional language course expensive and inconvenient. Educators once thought the brain became less plastic with age, but new research suggests that adult brains indeed make new connections and develop new skills, provided you expose your mind to both the parts and the whole of the new subject matter, according to Fred Genesee of the Center for Research on Education Diversity and Excellence Santa Cruz. Fortunately, a variety of free online instruction websites exist for learning Czech.


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      Go to your chosen online instruction website. Websites like Word 2 Word and Free Language offer online drills, step-by-step instruction and auditory demonstration. Each free online instruction program varies in terms of content, and the level of difficulty available. Understand that most free online companies only offer language instruction suitable through the intermediate level.

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      Download the necessary software. Some websites may require that you download less plans or worksheets, along with a schedule of what you should cover during each session. Block out time in your own schedule each day when you can focus primarily on completing your lessons.

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      Immerse yourself in the phonetic sounds of the Czech language. Your lessons will be more meaningful if you train your brain to assign a different set of sounds to each letter before you begin your instruction.

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      Practice the lessons provided online. You won't learn Czech by completing the lessons and never practicing what you've learned. Learning a language is like any other skill and requires putting your knowledge into practice. Speak with Czech speaking family members or join a community group. Online lessons offer a solid introduction but you'll need to increase your stimulation as you become more advanced.

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