How to Learn German From a Book

German is a widely spoken European language, with more than 100 million speakers worldwide. Knowing how to speak German gives you the ability to travel and do business in countries such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Using a book to learn German is an effective way to understand the language's extensive vocabulary and complex grammar system, a requirement for mastery.


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      Buy a German language learning book suits your level and learning style. Visit your local bookstore to browse the different titles. If you are a German language beginner, purchase a book that comes with audio tapes or CDs. Supplementing your book with audio material can help you to develop a feel for how the language sounds.

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      Create a timetable for your learning. You can learn the language faster if you devote a certain amount of time each day to learning German. Set aside at least one half hour session of time everyday to concentrate on practicing German without interruptions.

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      Memorize the German alphabet, paying particular attention to the special characters with "umlauts," the double dots that appear above certain German letters. Follow the pronunciation guidelines in your book. German does not have silent letters, and all consonant clusters must be pronounced.

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      Study the vocabulary lists in your book to learn gender-noun associations. Set yourself a target number of new words to learn each day and enlist the help of a friend to test your memory. Start each learning session by reviewing the previous day's words for reinforcement.

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      Master the case system. German has four cases: nominative, accusative, dative and genitive. Cases show the role of nouns in a sentence. Read the instructions and examples in your book carefully and complete the exercises at the end of the lessons. Use the answer key at the back of the book to check your answers. Identify areas where you are struggling and review those sections the following day. If an area of grammar still doesn't make sense, look it up in another German book for a better explanation.

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      Practice German in social settings. Use German social networks such as StudiVZ to make contact with native speakers. You can also join German conversation groups. Major cities, such as New York and Los Angeles, often have groups of German language students who meet regularly practice their language skills. You can find information about conversation opportunities online, at colleges with German language programs and at German cultural centers.

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