How to Learn a Psychic Ability

We live in a universe of dynamic energy. We can only use a small part of a powerful force, the human mind. The potential to reach and develop unused areas of the mind is latent in every human being. Proof that humans are able to perform extraordinary tasks are scattered throughout history. If each of us learned to develop and master our hidden abilities, the human race could drastically evolve and come closer to a truer understanding of the nature of our world.

Things You'll Need

  • Psychic ability tests
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    • 1

      Accept that the Universe is a dynamic field of energy. Understand that every material thing we see is made up of different vibrations of energy that allow us to perceive them. Understand our perception is limited, and there are infinite frequencies of energy that surround us that we are unable to see, touch or feel.

    • 2

      Know that you are able to affect unseen frequencies around you. Believe that the direction of your mind and your thoughts can change and communicate through barriers in the physical world. Have faith that the source of all energy in the Universe is a positive, all knowing source of which you too are a part.

    • 3

      Clarify your intention for developing your psychic abilities. Define exactly why you want to hone them. Commit to using powers you acquire for good and never to use them to harm others.

    • 4

      Relax your mind and meditate. Allow thoughts to flow through your mind without judgment. Observe the thoughts that your mind is producing. Inhale and exhale consciously following your breath. Run your mind's eye over every part of your body in a spirit of gratitude. Enter into the space of no-mind, when you are present and awake but not thinking. Remain in no-mind for as long as you can. Repeat this meditation process for 20 minutes daily.

    • 5

      Focus your mind and spirit on psychic development exercises after meditation. Allow yourself to be passionate about the exercises but do not force your mind. Use focused, gentle encouragement. Be kind to yourself. Practice psychic exercises such as ESP, telepathy and mind control tests for 20 minutes daily.

    • 6

      Pay attention to small improvements in your psychic state. Notice the new sensitivity you are developing in your awareness. Acknowledge your gradual progression and continue with your practice until you master it.

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