How to Use a Flow Chart

A flow chart is a visual tool that breaks down a complicated process into simple steps. Flow charts also make processes seem easier by using sparse language. Arrows guide you from one point in the process to the next. You can use flow charts for anything, including learning complex theoretical arguments, troubleshooting processes and repair techniques. Flow charts can be used in a teaching environment or in the home.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pen
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    • 1

      Write a sentence at the top of a piece of paper describing the process being explained in the flow chart. For example, "How to Fix Car Brakes."

    • 2

      Start with the trigger event that inspired you to consider the process. Write down the trigger at the top of the piece of paper and surround it with a rounded triangle. A trigger for car brakes might be "warning light for brake fluid comes on."

    • 3

      Add the first instruction to take in the event the trigger occurs and draw a square around it. For example, "Stop the car at a gas station and turn off the engine."

    • 4

      Write decisions or steps that might have multiple outcomes in diamond shapes. For example, "Check the brake fluid. Is it full?"

    • 5

      Draw arrows for "yes" and "no" leading away from the diamond. Each arrow should lead to a new task written in a square.

    • 6

      Draw additional diamonds and squares until the entire process is explained. The chart should lead toward the bottom of the piece of paper, where a target is written in a rectangle with rounded corners. In the example here, the target is "Brakes fixed."

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