How to Fillet a Hogfish

Anyone who's ever eaten fish can appreciate the difference between a fresh and frozen fillet. A fresh hogfish fillet is no different. With it's pig-like snout, the aptly named hogfish can be found in the warmer waters of the Atlantic from the Florida Keys to the Caribbean. You can easily fillet a hogfish following a step-by-step process that is no different from filleting most other kinds of fish.

Things You'll Need

  • Fish
  • Cutting surface
  • Fillet knife
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    • 1

      Lay the hogfish on its side on a cutting surface. Using a sharp fillet knife, begin the first cut behind the dorsal fin at a downward angle to behind the gill cover.

    • 2

      Cut from the gill cover down the midline to just below the level of the pectoral fin. Do not cut or puncture the innards while cutting.

    • 3

      Cut from along the dorsal spine back toward the tail. Then cut downward from the tail toward the belly, going just about midline on the fish with the cut until just aft of the gill cover.

    • 4

      Flip the fish over and repeat the cut on the opposite side. Be careful not to cut the innards as they will contaminate the fresh fillets. You now have two hogfish fillets ready to prepare.

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