How to Teach English in Central America

Ever dream of traveling to exotic places. Would you like to combine work and travel to have an extended trip. As a native speaker of English you are at a distinct advantage over others. English is a highly sought after language worldwide and schools around the world recruit annually for intructors. One of the most widely sought after places in Central America.If you crave adventure and the desire to earn a living then pay close attention to the information in this article. We will show you how to teach English in Central America.


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      Look on the various web sites for English Jobs in the country that you would like to go to. One of the most popular ans most comprehensive is Dave's ESL Cafe. By Entering the title into any search engine the site will come up. It offers all of the latest ESL jobs from around the world and is updated daily. It also offers information on lessons, certificates and work visas.

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      Gain an ESL certificate. Although many of the school in Central America will be satisfied with a college degree and the fact that you are a native speaker, the more you can offer them the better you salary and working conditions are likely to be. The TEFL and CELTA certificates are the most sought after. Most colleges and universities offer them and they can now be taken online.

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      Learn some Spanish. Central America is not like Spain where the vast majority of people will have a working knowledge of English. Learning just some basic communication will make your life easier and present you as a much more desirable candidate. Inquire about Spanish lessons while you are down there. You'll learn quite quickly while your immersed in the culture.

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      Learn about the countries that you would like to visit. Remember that they are all different and unique in their own way.

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