How to Get Into Physical Therapy School

Follow the steps on this guide if you are interested in PT school and a potential career in physical therapy.


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      Start your research early. While in early college, look online at a few PT schools that interest you and see what they have for prerequisites. PT schools usually have quite a few classes that they recommend you having before you apply, although some are not required.

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      Keep your GPA up during college. PT schools will admit students based upon a few factors, and GPA plays an important role in your acceptance. If you are above a 3.0, your chances are much higher in getting into PT school. Most PT schools require the GRE as a standard indicator of your education. Your GRE scores will also play an important role in your acceptance to PT school, so try to do as well as you can.

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      Do not neglect volunteer opportunities during college. Even if it is only for a few hours each weekend, see if you can volunteer at a local hospital in the PT department. Shadow a physical therapist for a few days/weeks and see what the career is actually like. In fact, some PT schools require a good deal of hours shadowing or volunteering with a physical therapist.

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