Lucrative Associate Degrees

According to a study conducted in 2007 by the US Department of Education, individuals with an associate's degree earned $35,000 annually, while those with a high school diploma earned $29,000. Furthering your education can help your earn a higher salary, and there are lucrative jobs to be had for individuals with an associate's degree.
  1. Health Care

    • Associate degrees that enable you to work in health care are a practical pursuit, even during difficult economic periods. Professions such as dental hygienists, sonographers, and licensed practice or vocational nurses require an associate degree and are often in high demand straight out of school. Dental hygienists receive the fourth highest paying salary for individuals with an associate's degree, coming in at an average income of $62,000 a year.

    Computer Specialists

    • An associate's degree in computer sciences can extend your career options to a computers systems analyst, a computer systems administrator, or a computer support specialist, among others. A computer systems analyst can expect to earn on average around $60,600. Computer specialists who provide technical support can earn up on average $68,570 annually, making it the most lucrative career for people with an associate's degree. Technology is an every-expanding field that will be in constant need of computer specialists.

    Radiation Therapist

    • An associate's degree in radiation therapy gives graduates the opportunity to secure a job with a salary averaging $66,170 annually. In 2004, the top 10% of radiation therapists earned over $83,340. Radiation therapists are people who operate machines that treat cancer patients. They work closely with physicians to ensure that patients receive proper treatment. The demand for radiation therapists remains high across the country. Another benefit to pursuing an associate's degree in radiation therapy is that there is opportunity for career advancement within the profession.

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