How to Improve Your English Skills

If you'd like to improve your English skills, the most important thing you can do is immerse yourself in the language. Even if English is your native language, you might feel like you're not communicating as well as you should be. Having a greater command of English can give you confidence in both professional and social situations.

Things You'll Need

  • Online journal or blog
  • English-language reading material
  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
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      Write in English. Whether you're fluent in English and feel you could use some additional help, or if you're new to the language, write in English all of the time. Consider starting an online blog or journal where you write only in English every day. If you're fluent, while you're writing spend extra time reading over your work to do your best to spell and use the language correctly. Make your blog or online journal public so that your English-speaking friends can see how you're progressing.

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      Read regularly. The English Club, a website for learners and teachers of English, says that reading helps you see how words are supposed to go together. In addition, it can help you learn new words, as you'll be seeing new words in context. The English Club suggests keeping a vocabulary book handy while you read. This can be a simple notebook in which you write down new words you find as you read. If you can't figure out what they mean, you can look up all of the new words together when you're done reading, instead of taking the time to look up words separately as you're reading. Looking up too many words while you're actually reading can be discouraging.

      Find books at your reading level. You'll be discouraged you don't know many of the words. To improve your English skills, choose a specific time of day to read and stick with it.

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      Learn how parts of speech work together. There are eight parts of speech: verbs, nouns, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections. While you're reading, try to name the different words you notice. Notice how the subjects match the verbs and the placement of adverbs and adjectives.

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      Learn how to use punctuation marks. Even if you improve your English writing skills, your work won't look polished if you don't know how to correctly punctuate your work. Use a site such as Get it Write to learn basic punctuation rules. When you're writing, reread your work to see if you've correctly punctuated your work.

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