How to Complete a High School Diploma

Many job seekers discover quickly that a high school diploma is necessary for obtaining most positions. There are several methods for completing a high school diploma as an adult learner. Whether you never attended high school or earned most of the required credits before leaving, completing your high school diploma can be a proud moment in your career development. Regardless of your age, you can find a diploma completion program that suits your needs.


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      Contact your former high school if you attended one. Request a meeting with a guidance counselor or school administrator to discuss the possibility of finishing the high school program you started. Even if you live far away now, your best option may be to arrange for correspondence courses through the school where you have already earned some credits. If completing your diploma through your former school is not possible, obtain a copy of your transcript so that you can research other options.

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      Contact local public school systems, adult education centers and universities to ask about high school diploma or equivalency courses offered for working adults. A local high school might offer night courses or individual tutoring to assist you with completing high school graduation requirements. If neither of these options is available, the school system can refer you to other local high school equivalency programs.

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      Attend a traditional high school during the day. This option may be best for adults age 21 or younger who have only been out of high school for a few years. This option will enable you to take courses with traditional high school students instead of other adult learners.

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      Research online and correspondence high school programs. Determine which programs would be most compatible with your schedule and learning style. Request further information from these programs. Always remember to ask non-traditional high school programs about their accreditation statuses. Enroll in the program of your choice after having made all necessary inquiries.

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