How to Increase Your Motivation to Learn English Pronunciations

While the English language is one of the most difficult to master, the pronunciation of English words can be especially challenging. The language ranks as one of the top 10 languages of the world with 6.2 percent of world population having English as a primary language. Pronouncing your words properly is important, as this is one of the most noticeable aspects of your speech. With the right techniques you can increase your motivation to learn English pronunciations and improve your speech significantly as a result.


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      Set goals. Setting goals gives you something to work towards and helps you stay motivated and eager to learn. Reward yourself when you reach your goals. For instance, take a weekend off to travel or go shopping and buy yourself something nice. Goal setting is a powerful technique that helps increase motivation for the short and long-term.

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      Practice. As with anything else, it takes time and practice to get good at English pronunciation. Study regularly and work in blocks of a half-hour to an hour at a time with breaks in between, to give your mind time to rest and avoid wearing yourself out. The more you practice the more you will improve, and as you get better, you will be motivated to continue because you are seeing results.

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      Incorporate games into your studying. Games based around learning consonants, vowels, or rhythm, for instance, can help increase your motivation by making learning fun and not mundane. Play a game with a friend where you get points each time you pronounce a sentence correctly or watch English learning videos and take turns repeating sentences.

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      Work with a partner or in a group. Having others there to push and drive you can help you get and stay motivated. Having a support system for yourself while you work on your English pronunciation skills can make it easier to learn and keep you focused and having fun.

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