How to Learn in Your Twenties

As people enter their twenties and finish school, many people find it hard to learn new things. Responsibilities such as family and work often get in the way, and people in their twenties do not always have enough time to study. Furthermore, as people get older and have less time to reinforce what they have learned, many people start to have difficulty retaining information. Fortunately, if you manage your time, and take advantage of all the resources available to you, there are a number of effective ways to continue studying in your twenties.


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      Pick a subject. Decide what you want to learn before you begin to study. Even if you want to learn more than one thing, focusing on a single subject at a time will help you learn more in the long run.

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      Teach yourself. After you've picked a topic, visit your local library and pick out book on your topic. Take notes if you think it will help you remember information. You may be able to find more resources, such as electronic flash cards, on the Internet.

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      Go back to school. If you never enrolled in college, consider going back to school. If you have to continue working, night classes or online correspondence courses are also available. Many people find it easier to learn in a classroom than on their own. Even if you can only take a single weekly class, it will help you keep learning.

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      Find new ways to remember information. You may find it more difficult to remember information as you enter your twenties. Psychologists such as Alex Lickerman, recommend new ways of memorizing information that will help you in your twenties and beyond. Tricks such as associating new information with older information, or visualizing abstract ideas will help you with your studies.

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      Set goals for yourself. Adults often learn best if they have a clear goal for their learning. Think about what you want to achieve from your studies and make a realistic plan for accomplishing that goal.

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      Keep your mind active. Put aside a little time to study every day. As people get older, obligations such as work can take up the bulk of your time. However, if you're serious about learning something new, you need to allocate daily time to study.

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