How to Be Good at Your Internship

An internship is one of the best opportunities in college because it gives you the chance to work alongside experts in your field of interest and learn more about your future career. A good intern will receive impressive references and may even be offered a job. Attributes of a good intern include timeliness, work efficiency and willingness to learn. Be the best intern you can by following some basic tips.


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      Dress your best. You will be noticed and respected by your employees.

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      Study up on the company and the position. Try to learn a little about what you will be doing before you begin the internship. Talk to past interns about the position and what is expected. This will put you one step ahead of the other interns and impress your boss.

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      Be on time to your internship every day. You might miss important directions by being even five minutes late. Avoid taking sick days unless you are actually very ill.

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      Listen to every word your employer has to say. They are the experts and you are going to learn the most from them by hanging on their every word.

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      Ask questions. An internship is a learning experience, so there will likely be things you don't understand. Don't be afraid to clarify things with your employer.

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      Ask for feedback. Touch base with your boss every now and then to see how you're doing. Talk with him during lunch breaks or elevator rides and ask him what you can do to improve. Ask for feedback from colleagues as well.

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      Learn as much as you can. You went into your internship looking to work in one particular position, but you may have the chance to learn about another position as well.

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      Keep a journal. Write down all of the details of the projects to which you contribute. This allows you to study and keep information fresh in your mind.

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      Exceed expectations. Go above and beyond what your boss is expecting. This will earn you respect and maybe even a letter of recommendation or job offer.

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      Show enthusiasm and be ambitious. Employers want to hire someone who is a go-getter. Don't be afraid to show that you are excited to be interning with the company.

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