How to Find Roommates at UAB

Moving to a new city to start your education is an exhilarating thought. The idea of living with strangers is a bit less exciting. The random grab to find a roommate is a daunting task. Finding someone you are compatible with in regards to roommate issues take shrewdness. Luckily, there are a few websites dedicated to connecting students in Birmingham who attend the University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB). Make sure you meet potential roommates in person before committing to anything.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet
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      Make a list of your priorities in a roommate. Decide what you can live with (messy person or neat freak), what you are willing to slide on (plays a musical instrument, has a pet, etc.). Also consider where in Birmingham (or the surrounding areas) you want to live. Clarify for yourself what it is you are looking for. As you begin your search, keep in mind that you will not find your ideal, but perhaps someone who is close.

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      Log on to ULoop, listed in resources. This website is dedicated specifically to connecting students of UAB. In the sidebar search for apartments and houses, roommates and places to sublease. In addition, this website posts events, carpool teams, sale items, jobs, scholarships and other services. You can also try the websites Room You and Roommate Hub to look for potential candidates.

      Read through the roommate and apartment classifieds to see what other people are looking for. If you find an apartment with a good location or a roommate that seems like a good fit, contact them.

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      Set a meeting with your potential roommate. A meeting between potential roommates is about mutual selection. Both of you must decide the roommate relationship is a good fit. Address various habits and expectations from the beginning, but also discuss every day likes and dislikes. For example, conversation about music, movies and friends can give insight into the other person's true personality.

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      Set up a time to view the house or apartment. If you feel the roommate is compatible, you need to check out the room. Consider the amount of rent, utilities and other expenses like Internet and cable. Check the water pressure in old buildings. Make sure it has central air (absolutely key in Alabama). Ask about communication with the landlord (i.e. how long it takes for maintenance orders).

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      Work out an agreement with your new roomy. This should include a financial agreement about paying shared bills. But also talk about shared chores such as taking the garbage out and cleaning. Setting clear expectations for each other from the beginning of the relationship is the best way to sidestep any awkwardness later on.

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