Tips on Going Green at College

College is the place where many people form lifelong habits and friendships. Establishing good habits, such as using a bicycle and recycled paper, organizing a rally, hosting a paper-recycling drive and sharing textbooks, is a simple way to go green at college.
  1. Riding a Bike to Class

    • While some campuses are quite large, driving between classes is not very eco-friendly. Riding a bike helps to preserve the environment, while giving you a chance to enjoy the outdoors as you go from class to class. If your books are heavy, you can install a basket on your bike or carry them in a backpack.

    Using Recycled Paper

    • Many college courses require extensive note-taking. Using regular paper for all of these notes can have a negative impact on the environment. Term papers and other homework can also be printed on recycled paper. Using only recycled paper for your notes and assignments will help you be green in college.

    Starting a Rally

    • A college campus is a great place to hold a rally to educate others on the needs and activities of the environmental movement. Invite a speaker from a local environmental group, and encourage attendance among your fellow students. Print posters advertising the rally on the backs of old posters from other rallies. Send out invitations and announcements over the Internet to save even more paper.

    Hosting a Paper Drive

    • All students have lots of extra paper, which typically heads straight to the trash can once grades are in. Hosting a drive to collect recyclable paper at the end of each semester is a great way to help the environment, as well as a way to raise awareness of the need to recycle.

    Sharing Textbooks

    • Textbooks are not only expensive, they consume many resources because the editions are updated every few years. Sharing a textbook with someone else who is taking the class helps save paper and will contribute to your efforts to go green at college.

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