Tips for College Freshmen

Get the inside scoop and tips for your freshman year in college from a university junior who would do it all again if she could. You only get one real freshman year, so why not make it count? Check out these campus living tips that could possibly save you hassles and money during your freshman year of college.
  1. Types

    • By far one of the most invigorating experiences in college is witnessing and understanding the different people and cultures on your campus. Join social and academic organizations. This will keep you from being a home body and pair you with upperclassmen right out of the gate.
      Know your advisor. Don't just visit your advisor when you have to. Make sure they know who you are. You never know when you might need them to bail you out, or need a reference letter for an internship or job.
      Find a balance between your academics and social activities. Try new things. This is the one place where you'll encounter a diverse array of cultures and classes.
      Realize that you may change your major so be open minded and have options.
      Stay organized. Keep a planner, scheduler, PDA, note pad or whatever. It will help you to prioritize your life during the most ectic times, especially during those sleepless exam weeks.


    • Keeping all of these tips in mind will help you create a better experience during your freshman year and build a stronger foundation for the years to come. Having a mind of your own and a set agenda when you get to college will ensure your ability to be held accountable for your goals and success. Even if you fall off of your path, you know where you are supposed to be and will just need to steer yourself in the right direction.


    • Following this advice will keep your freshman year full of fun and adventures. You'll never be bored, and you'll be on top of your game, never falling into the old freshman stereotype of being a waste of space.


    • College is not all about partying, but it's not all about academics either. In order to have a fulfilling college experience, learn to balance the two by joining social organizations that are academic-based (e.g. law fraternity, business travel group). You can also take classes that don't really seem like educational classes (e.g. a class where you get credit for tutoring third grade students). You should enjoy all of college, not just the weekends.


    • Beware of who you choose to surround yourself with. Find friends that share your priorities and will encourage you to pursue your dreams.
      Don't skip class. It's the dumbest thing ever, even when you're sleepy. OK, so one or two classes when you're sick or tired, but this isn't high school anymore. You're losing out on good money when you skip classes, and the professors don't care, they're still getting paid.
      Don't take random classes. Make every class count. You will thank yourself during those semesters when you are so close to getting your degree and you just don't want to take a full load.
      Don't get discouraged. College academics can beat you down. Exam week is treacherous and sometimes you'll feel like you just can't do it anymore, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep in mind why you are attending college in the first place.
      Don't get drunk (different than just drinking). It's ugly and you'll regret it in the morning when your alarm clock says 12 p.m. and class started at 9 a.m. It's draining and makes you unable to function at your full potential.

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