Jobs for College Kids

College students always need money. Many jobs are available, but few fit into a college student's busy schedule. The jobs listed below are great possibilities.
  1. Freelance Writing

    • Writing for an Internet site is a great way for college students to earn money while working on their writing skills. Demand Studios is a flexible and reliable site to earn money writing part-time. Another site that works well is Associated Content. Unlike Demand Studios, Associated Content pays up front and for page views. Students still have a chance to work on their skills.

    Fitness Center

    • Most colleges have a fitness center or gym that's willing to hire students for certain tasks such as cleaning, card swiping and security. Working at such a place is a great job if you want to stay around campus.


    • Many colleges have an orientation program for freshman students. Colleges pay students for participating as helpers and guides to the new students.

    Co-op Programs

    • College students have the ability to form a connection to an employer by working part time throughout their later college years. Most colleges have an office that will help students apply for co-op jobs.


    • Unlike co-op jobs, many college students can also join with an employer for experience rather than money. Internships are a valuable way for students to gain experience toward their college career for free.


    • When all else fails, try applying at a restaurant. This does not mean you have to work with fast food. Many sit down restaurants are willing to hire college students.

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