How to Improve Student Life at College

For many, attending college can be one of the most inspiring and exciting times of life. However, there is always room for improvement when it comes to student life on campus. Whether there's a need for more clubs for students to join or simply more parking, students and faculty can strive to make improvements by creating a group to discuss the issues, choosing a focus and putting it into action.

Things You'll Need

  • Fliers
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  1. Instructions

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      Form a group of students and college staffers who would like to help contribute to improving student life. This can be arranged by word-of-mouth or by posting fliers around campus. Pick a central place where everyone can meet, such as the student center. You might also try contacting the college's student council, from which members may be interested in helping or giving advice.

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      Discuss ways to improve student life.

      Discuss issues that can be improved at the college. Start by asking the group what they'd like to see changed and by taking surveys around campus. Consider all areas of student life -- academic programs, sports or accessibility around campus. A student at the University of Chicago aimed to improve student life by creating a stronger sense of community on campus, improving staff support for students, making it easier to reserve rooms for events and rethinking the student centers, reported the university newspaper "Maroon."

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      Decide which area of student life you want to improve. Your focus should be concise, clear and easily understood. For example, "Make things cheaper" is too broad; instead, narrow your focus to something more specific such as: "Create a textbook rental program to save students money."

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      Get the word out about how you want to improve student life.

      Campaign to make the change. Make it known that you want to improve an aspect of student life. Run for student government, or contact your school's newspaper to suggest it does an article on the topic. Hand out fliers to students explaining what you hope to accomplish and how they can get involved.

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      Enact your goal. If you're able to achieve your goal to improve student life, maintain the improvement and look for additional ways to ensure it keeps its focus. Don't ignore the achievement once it's complete. Stay active in the new program or change, and continue spreading the word about it.

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