How to Improve Student Health

The life of a college student isn't always easy. Students have hectic schedules, are often low on money and are trying to experience all that college offers. Proper health is important not just for the student's long-term well being, but also because a student who is healthy will be better equipped to deal with all the stresses that come with the college experience.


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      Strive for proper nutrition. A well-balanced diet, including lean protein, fruits and vegetables is essential for student health. Avoid fast foods and greasy cafeteria foods.

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      Avoid energy drinks. These drinks contain far more stimulant than is good for a person. When used to help a student stay up and cram for late-night study sessions, these drinks can lead to an irregular heartbeat and possibly a trip to the emergency room.

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      Exercise regularly. Many college students fall into the trap of a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise is critical for keeping the mind focused and for staying healthy. Most colleges have fitness facilities that students can use free of charge. Students should be aware of these facilities and utilize them.

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      Maintain a good sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time each night and aim for a full eight hours of sleep. Don't stay up all night to cram for a test. Sleep deprivation can lead to other health problems.

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      Avoid excess drinking. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, 44 percent of college students are binge drinkers. This leads to increased drunken-driving crashes, difficulties havingg healthy relationships and serious health damage due to alcohol poisoning.

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