#  >> College Life >> Dorm Life

How to Choose the Right Dorm for You

Choosing a dorm is an important decision. You'll be spending a lot of time there, and you want to make sure it fits your needs.


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      Decide whether you want a co-ed or single-sex dorm, smoking or nonsmoking.

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      Choose a "frosh" dorm, which tends to be rowdy, if you want opportunities to meet people.

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      Opt for a four-class dorm or a dorm with quiet hours if you need peace and quiet.

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      Investigate the dorm's location to make sure it's close to classrooms, the student center and town.

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      Ask how many people are put in each room. Some dorms offer singles, but most offer doubles. Sometimes dorms put three or four students in a room.

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      Find out if a dorm offers suites. These are dorm rooms with one main room and two or more adjoining rooms. They tend to be more spacious.

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      Look for dorms with conveniences such as cafeterias, laundry rooms, exercise rooms, recreation rooms and computer facilities.

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      Make sure the dorm is in a safe area and well-lit.

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      Inquire about dorms with themes or academic programs, available at certain schools.

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