How to Manage Time In School

Students must manage their time effectively to get the most out of their educations. Time management, while an important skill, is rarely taught. However, a few easy steps can help you to manage your time and raise those grades.


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      Make a "to do" list of all the things you need to accomplish in a day. By taking stock of exactly what you have on your plate--homework, projects or tests--you can effectively manage your life around those tasks.

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      Prioritize your assignments and activities. If you have trouble with a particular subject, try completing it first. By getting the most difficult or urgent task out of the way first, you relieve some of the pressure surrounding your work.

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      Study in chunks. Most students can study for a limited amount of time before they get restless and begin to procrastinate or daydream. If you're comfortable studying only for an hour, don't push beyond that. Take fifteen minute breaks away from your work area.

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      Escape from distractions like noise and temptation. If you're an avid computer user, stay away from the Internet while you study. If your roommate drives you crazy, find an alternative location. By minimizing distraction, you can maximize the amount of information you absorb and cut the time it takes to study.

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      Review the material for your classes consistently. Go over and clarify your notes as soon after class as possible. Review the material while it is still fresh in your mind. If a test is pending, set aside a specific time to review material in advance so you don't have to upset your schedule with cramming.

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      Integrate extracurricular activities into your schedule, but don't overload yourself. Be realistic when you look at your schedule and decide what to take on. Instead of joining 3 intramural sports and stretching your limits, only commit yourself to 1 or 2.

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