How to Write a Survival Guide for College

Successfully transitioning from the safety of high school to the independence of college requires extensive modifications to a student's daily habits and lifestyle. While exciting, this transition can be intimidating. Many colleges offer students a survival guide to help ease them through their first months in college. An effective survival guide should include tips and techniques for everything college-related, from dealing with peers to navigating the complex academics of higher education.


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      Explore ways to get along with a roommate. Provide ideas that college students can use to create a harmonious relationship with their roommates, such as preparing a roommate contract, setting aside one night a week to eat together or participating in a roommate gift exchange. This is likely the first time that the college student has shared a room with someone to whom they are not related. With a little effort, the experience can be a positive one.

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      Discuss how to deal with homesickness. Being away from parents can be tough for a new freshman. Explain things that the student can do to cope, such as exchanging regular emails with family, inviting friends from home to visit and spacing visits home well apart so that they don't become too dependent on such trips.

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      Provide tips on getting involved in campus activities. If the campus offers an array of activities, list the activities thematically.

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      Discuss money management. If new college students are not careful, they can create quite a mountain of debt. Explore budgeting techniques, such as setting a weekly spending limit or using coupons when grocery shopping. These small things can make a major difference to the student's pocketbook.

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      Provide study tips. The student's college courses likely present a much greater academic challenge than the high school courses that preceded them. Discuss basic study practices, such as joining in study groups, creating notes and highlighting text books.

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      Explain how to manage stress. With the added academic rigor comes additional stress. Discuss effective stress management techniques and provide resources for the student to explore when experiencing stress.

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      Include a comprehensive listing of campus numbers and support information. Add to the usefulness of your survival guide by placing a list of numbers and websites that the student can reference when seeking information.

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