How to Write a Cover Letter and Resume for a College Internship

Applying for a college internship can be a daunting task. But because the cover letter and resume are the only materials internship recruiters have available to help decide if an applicant is right for the job, it is highly important that both are completed correctly. The key to getting the desired position is knowing one's strengths and weaknesses. By acknowledging personal attributes and using proper formatting techniques, writing a good cover letter and resume for a college internship can lead to a coveted position.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer or typewriter
  • High-quality paper
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  1. Experiences

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      Highlight your everyday experiences. Because the work experience of the average college student is bound to be limited, cover letters and resumes should emphasize other activities as well. Create resume subsections that display a rich variety of experiences relevant to the internship position. For example, if you lack work experience, make a subsection of volunteer service or extracurricular activities that demonstrate traits that can be brought to a college internship.

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      Use high school activities. Although this is not appropriate for applicants with extensive experience in the job market, recruiters for college internships understand that students have limited experience and they make exceptions accordingly.

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      Use the cover letter to explain how the experiences mentioned on the resume can help complete potential internship activities.


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      Follow basic formatting procedures. Whether writing a cover letter and resume for a college internship or a full-time position after graduation, not using the proper format can lead to missing out on a position. When completing the cover letter, type the internship applicant's address in the upper left-hand corner, followed by the address of the person receiving the letter.

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      Place the date in the upper right-hand corner. Be specific and address the person receiving the letter by name. Do not use general terms like "To Whom It May Concern." Confine the cover letter to one page.

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      Include a clear and concise career objective just below the name and address of the internship applicant on a college internship resume. Because most students have limited work experience, the career objective helps recruiters determine whether the student's career goals are in line with the position and whether the applicant is suitable for the job. Follow the career objective with subsections that highlight the applicant's experience and demonstrate that she possesses the skills necessary to fill the position.

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      End the resume with a section for references. Include at least three references in this section who can attest to the applicant's experience.

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